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Help us to Build Homes for Homeless Lepers.

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Friday, March 18, 2011 | 3:20 AM

Watch rare shocking footage on those stricken with the dreaded disease of leprosy, and how the Lord is bringing revival and new life and hope to those lepers who are known as outcasts or untouchables by society.
In India, there are hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions that have the dreaded disease of leprosy. Leprosy bacteria attacks peripheral nerves, which causes the loss of feeling.

Wounds and burns get infected and the victims are often too poor to get medicine, to fight infections. When this fearsome disease is left untreated, the end result can be permanent disfigurement and physical disabilities such as the loss of toes and fingers. The victims may develop poor eyesight and even blindness. This disease is often called the 'living death' because of its appalling effects on the victim's body. These unfortunate people are called untouchables by their society, and are regarded by others as low-caste people.

Many of these lepers have been tragically abandoned by their families and cast out into the streets or in other unpleasant situations because of their frightful disease. Overall, the sad reality is that they are left alone to suffer and die in their terrible state, heartbroken and emotionally shattered because they have no one to love or care for them.
These unfortunate men and women are what can be called the poorest of the poor, and have no hope of ever building a future for themsleves. The only way they can even get their next meal is by begging and hoping that someone will have mercy on them to give them even a coin, so they can buy cheap and tasteless food to fill their empty stomachs. Many homeless lepers do not even have a blanket to lay on or even cover themselves on the cool and rainy nights.

They don't have sandals to protect their feet which causes more infections which causes flies to cluster around their open sores. Many of them do not even know that there is a cure for leprosy, and if they did, they probably could not possibly afford to obtain the medicine to stop their disease. Many doctors will not even touch them. People in their society think that they have been cursed by the gods for something they had done in a past life and now they fully deserve what they are going through now. Jesus is their only hope and you and I must be His arms of love reaching out to them. We are their only hope in this life...

The pastors and missionary Kathy invited this homeless man with leprosy into their van to hear the Gospel. After hearing about Jesus, he is praying the sinner's prayer.

Independent Church In India's has purchased by God's grace an eleven acre piece of land, and construction to build homes of compassion have begun for victims of leprosy. ICII has begun constructing a ten room home for twenty leprosy residents. Here these leprosy friends can lead a normal life and even work. They can live the rest of their lives here feeling wanted and live without starving or begging and they can feel the love of Jesus in their lives. At their new home healthy food and water, medical care, clothes, personal needs, and lots of love and tender care is provided. Our vision is to provide many more relaxing and loving homes for these precious people that have never had any care their whole life. We want to provide the care and the love they are longing for.

Pray with us that the Lord will provide more homes of compassion, a church (which will also have a kitchen with a dining hall, a medical center, and all needs for "The Promise Land" Homes of Compassion Leprosy Community. Please pray about what the Lord would have you do to help Independent Church in India (ICII) to continue to build these homes. ICII's true heart's desire is to provide for their needs, and teach them spiritual truths. ICII wants to make sure that every leper they meet will know the love of Jesus and realize they are no longer an untouchable, but precious in the Lord's sight. Help us to build them a home filled with Christ's like love and help them to realize for the first time in their life that they are loved. You can change a dark world of a leper into one of new life and hope in Jesus Christ...
3:20 AM | 1 komentar | Read More

Leprosy Patients in NTT Difficulties Medication

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Sunday, March 13, 2011 | 3:57 AM

Hundreds of  leprosy patients in 20 districts / cities in East Nusa Tenggara, the current difficulties  leprosy  drug. Since June 2008 the central government no longer send leprosy drugs to the East.

Head Subdinas Combating Health Problems Dr. Boby Koamesah in Kupang, said about 350 people with leprosy in NTT since September 2008 is no longer taking the drug leprosy.

There are two types of leprosy, ie, dry leprosy, may be given medication at intervals of time - 9 months, while the wet leprosy taking between 12-19 months of consecutive drug-drug turut.Ketika ituu stopped, then the treatment process must start from scratch again.

"These drugs are distributed free of charge to patients because it comes from the World Health Organization. WHO provided medicines free of charge to the government to be forwarded to the patient," he said.

Don sili, Wotanulumado Mewet Village Head, East Flores, say, 50 patients with leprosy in the village since August 2008 do not miss out leprosy drug. Usually the beginning of each month there are health care workers with leprosy foundation Indonesia came to the village Mewet.
3:57 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Free Drugs for Leprosy Patients East Flores

A total of 45 patients of leprosy in the district of East Flores Regency Ulumado Wotan since Kamis.mendapat  treatment  free of charge from the Public Health Service East Flores (Flotim),  after being  delayed  from September 2008. The central government has sent a leprosy drug through the province of East Nusa Tenggara to treat about 500 patients with leprosy in the area.

Village Chief District Mewet Wotan Ulumado Flotim District Don sili Waiwerang contacted by phone on Thursday (22 / 1) say as many as 45 patients of leprosy in the district of Wotan Ulumado are undergoing treatment.

"Hopefully this treatment continues, do not stop so the disease is not widespread among the public and soon healed," he said. Leprosy drug was distributed to health centers, pockets of leprosy. Thus, people with leprosy do not need to come to the hospital that is located quite far from the settlement of the patient.
3:56 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

he budget for Leprosy in Cilacap Minim

The budget allocation for the treatment of leprosy (morbus Hansen or leprosy) in Cilacap regency, Central Java, was minimal even though the number of sufferers is high.
"This year, we have allocated a budget of Rp 30 million, more than 2008 of Rp 20 million," said Chief of Cilacap District Health Office Sugeng Budi Susanto through the Deputy Supervisor Leprosy Health Jasmo Cilacap, Cilacap, on Friday.

However, Jasmo said, it expects the changes in budget allocations to the addition of which will be used for leprosy treatment training for health personnel in Cilacap.

According to him, until recently the number of trained health personnel dealing with leprosy is still limited.

He said, from 36 centers in Cilacap district currently only six centers that have trained officers in the handling of leprosy.

Related to the number of leprosy patients in Cilacap regency, he said, in the last two years a tendency to increase with the emergence of new patients while the local region of low endemic leprosy.

"In 2007 recorded a total of 32 leprosy patients comprising of 28 men patients with wet type or multibacillary (MB) and four types of dry or pausibasiler (PB)," he said.

Of the total patients with MB type, he said, unknown numbers of two-level defects (defects that are known prior to the examination) is very high and exceed national standards.
According to him, the figure of disability based on the level of two national standards by five percent, while in Cilacap reach 17 percent.
"In fact, two patients with MB of whom are children with disabilities rate reached 7.1 percent level two," he said.
As for 2008, he said, the number reached 35 people who are new patients, comprising 31 people type MB and four types of PB.
Of the 31 patients with MB type, he added, 11 second-degree disabled people (31 percent) with a patient with the children (3.2 percent).
He said the high rates of disability may be caused due to late in the handling of health workers has not been able to diagnose the disease and the sufferer is not aware of his illness.
"Cilacap is low endemic leprosy. However, it could be a lot of people suffered because they did not realize it. In fact, maybe an iceberg phenomenon," said Jasmo.
For that, he said, leprosy needs to be addressed so as not to cause serious disability for the sufferer.
Being asked about efforts to tackle the disease of leprosy, he said, Cilacap Health Office continues to provide counseling for former leprosy patients and those still suffering so as not to lose heart.
3:54 AM | 1 komentar | Read More

Leprosy Transmitted Disease Not Easy

Among other infectious diseases, including difficult infectious leprosy. More than 95 percent of the total population of the world are naturally immune to this disease. Transmission is estimated that there have anything to do with the condition of malnutrition and poverty.

People who have recovered from leprosy, will not transmit the disease. Likewise leprosy patients who have consumed drugs (multi-drug therapy) for two times 24 hours, then she will not pass on leprosy, said Ambassador of The Leprosy Mission International (TLM) to AB Susanto Indonesia in Jakarta on Monday (26 / 1).

But Susan regrets because until now the general public does not have enough knowledge of leprosy, resulting in the emergence of a negative stigma and discrimination against leprosy patients in the community.

Indonesia calls Transformation Leprosy Foundation, leprosy is a medical condition that afflicts millions of people in the world where about 90% of people living in developing countries like Indonesia.

Leprosy attacks the skin and nervous edge, if not treated immediately can cause loss of feeling and paralysis of muscles in the feet, hands and face. If this situation does not get good treatment and care, will continue with the result of the injuries, stiffness of the joints of the fingers, or even loss of parts of the feet, hands, and the incidence of blindness.

Leprosy is caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium leprae. So it was not because of heredity, curse, or punishment of sin, said Susan.

Leprosy can be cured with a drug called MDT (Multi Drug Therapy). For the type of paucibacillary (PB) it took 6 months, while the type multibacillary (MB) is about 1 year old. Pende rita leprosy who are treated early before the onset of disability, will recover completely.

Leprosy remains a public health problem in 19 countries around the world including Indonesia and more than 750,000 new cases are found each year in the world or around 85 people every hour. Indonesia there are about 20,000 new cases discovered each year, or about 2 to 3 people per hour or 40-80 people every day, and is the number to three in the world after India, and Brazil.
3:53 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Need to Involve the Ulema Handle Leprosy

Among scholars and public figures assessed need to be involved to deal with leprosy in Gorontalo. The number of patients in the province was still the highest ranked in the national scale. "The problem of leprosy disease is not only the duties and responsibilities of health workers per se, but more distant it is linked closely with social problems in society," said Alim Niode, one of the local culture, who became speaker in the event an interactive dialogue that discusses the handling of leprosy at Studio RRI Gorontalo, on Saturday.
In this case, he said, community leaders and local clerics should be involved directly, to give an idea from local people that leprosy is not the curse of disease, and need not be feared. "The places of isolation for leprosy patients also need to be disseminated to the public, to jointly maintained and being watched, along with the existence of an established understanding of this disease," he said.
Justify it, Dr. Triyogo, other sources of Gorontalo Provincial Health Office revealed, pure leprosy is caused by germs called bacillus or mikrobakteria leprosy, the same nature with TB germs (tuberculosis).
In general, the bacteria multiply in an environment that is less clean and healthy. Bacteria were also attacking people who have weak immune power.
He explained, these characteristics include the presence of leprosy sign red or white patches on certain body parts, such as the eyes, feet and hands, which is numb, a result of disruption of motor and sensory nerves of the patient. "In Gorontalo, the rate of leprosy itself still quite high, reaching 242 people, and ranked seventh nationally," Brightness.
3:51 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Stigma of Leprosy Disease Difficult Released

South Sulawesi Provincial Health Office admitted difficulty in releasing the stigma of leprosy is still strong enough embedded in the community.
"The stigma of leprosy is the community that hinder the implementation of leprosy disease prevention programs in this area," said Foreign Aid in charge of Netherlands Leprosy Relief (NLR-MONTH) Dr Andi Suryanto Asapa, when met at his office in Makassar, on Monday.

He regretted the low participation of the community, especially people with leprosy to report his condition to the health center and the nearest hospital. As a result, the handling of this disease through a program recognized not been able to run optimally.

In fact, he said, the government has gained full support from donor agencies from the Netherlands (NLR) to perform the handling and prevention of leprosy that is recognized is still quite large in Indonesia, particularly the South.

"Control of leprosy is a very complex problem. The disease is not just about medical problems alone, but the psychosocial and economic problems of society," he concluded.

"The problem of leprosy is not only the responsibility of health office, even though these issues require the involvement of stakeholders such as Social Services, Education, Religion, and the community," he complained.

Actually, he added, that leprosy is a contagious disease can be cured by taking medications Multi Drug Therapy (MDT) which was found in 1982. In fact, since 1995, WHO has provided drugs free MDT for leprosy patients worldwide.

This free drug administration was still not enough to overcome the problem of leprosy in South Sulawesi, but the level of knowledge about leprosy and the stigma that is still strong in society is limited control of this disease.

"In 2000, Indonesia has reached the national leprosy elimination. It's just that, at provincial and district level, there are 13 provinces and 125 districts that have not achieved elimination, one of them in South Sulawesi province," he said.

In 2004 the South Sulawesi provincial government established a forum of the Regional Alliance Elimination of Leprosy (Adek) whose objective was to gain political support and sustainability of the activities are integrated in the elimination of leprosy in South Sulawesi.
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